Bonita Murungi (S.3 -NABISUNSA Girls School)
It was in the month of March that my journey of debate begun.
I had no idea of the trials, happiness and anger that awaited me and so I will tell you a story. A story of my journey through the World Schools Debate Championship. With nerves kicking in right from Pre-WSDC hosted by Oxford.
Round after round was not easy at all. Tactics were used, fingers crossed and prayers were said in the heat of the moment. We were triumphant and then, we were not. It was a tough cut and only the best of the best made it through of course leaving me doubting my beginner’s experience. I realized that debate ensnares the heart, body and soul. And so, with more practice, my team mates and I awaited World Schools Debate Championship. I felt the pressure of debating for my country and not just my school.
WSDC was way tougher than Oxford and things looked eerie for us. But we fought to the end, made better cases and eventually had our first win after rounds of losses. We walked out of WSDC championships with one win but I had never felt prouder. Versing individuals who had more experience than me really sparked something in me. One day, I will also be like them, with my practice and skills.
But to be honest, even with that positive mindset, a part of me felt demoralized and my old friend doubt started to kick in. My family was my biggest support system, with the losses and the final win, they were always praying for me and helping me mentally.
One thing to remember, there will be days when you feel like you are not the best debater, I still feel like that but what matters is that you’re doing your best. Don’t listen to the voices in your head that tell you that you can’t do it. Been there, done that but I overcame it.
A few weeks later, I received news that I was the third best speaker in East Africa and I was beyond ecstatic!! All the doubts I had started to fade and I was even more excited when I found out that there’d be an All Stars Debate Tournament and I would partner with Becky Alek from Kenya and Huzefa from Tanzania. That day was really amazing. Especially versing the three individuals from West Africa. And so, with that my debate journey in relation ended with East Africa and West Africa tying and being the Champions!
Even in that excitement, I remembered all the walls I had to push down and the feeling of not being enough. It’s honestly not the best feeling when you feel inadequate, even when you receive great opportunities. A piece of advice, you are enough.
There will be more championships and more wins plus losses, but that’s a part of life.
My journey of World Schools Debate Championship was one that I’ll definitely live to remember.