Martha Busingye — (Winner, Constitution Hill DEBATES of the Pan African Schools Debate Council based in South Africa) — NABISUNSA GIRLS SCHOOL
Debate gives one platform to discuss matters that are affecting the world. I used to think that I was too young to discuss such matters and felt like it is of no use.
When I joined Nabisunsa Girls’ Debate Club, my thoughts were challenged. I found girls of my age discussing topics I heard termed as boring. As I sat in the audience I kept on asking myself how these girls know about these things.
For me by that time, the only topics I could speak about were those I had learnt in class. I loved the way they were confident and this sparked something in me. I wanted to become confident like them. So that is when my debate journey started.
Being an introvert, at first I thought speaking is not my thing but one of my team mates always told me that passion is all that matters. There is this quote that I love. ” People with great passion can make the impossible happen.”
I chose to believe in this and kept on doing my best. For my first debate I was so scared and nervous. I didn’t have knowledge about the debate topic the ended up misunderstanding the motion. The judge couldnt give our team feedback because we had debated the wrong motion. I felt like giving up at that moment. I talked to many people about it and all they told me was that when one fails they learn and become stronger. I still believed this and went on.
My debate journey has very many ups and downs. From training, research and tournaments trying to improve my speaking skills. It was not an easy encounter but with determination and hard work I did my best. Sometimes there was negativity from family, friends telling me how debate cant be my thing because am an introvert. Most of them had negative attitude towards debate for it required them to stand in front of a big crowd with all eyes on them. Sometimes I wanted to believe them but I knew that a lot of journeys don’t have smooth beginnings. And I had heard of great speakers who had awkward beginnings. I just chose to do my best and leave the rest to God to decide what I will become.
Training with the Uganda team for WSDC was a great experience for me. I learnt very many things, I loved the way the team was so determined to go beyond their limits. I really learnt a lot.
1. You can never know how far you can go unless you try to go too far. Sometimes you feel like quitting or turning down an opportunity because you feel like your opponents are way better than you. But if one keeps on thinking like that they will never learn or improve because you are keeping your goal very low. So going against people you know are better than you sharpens you more and encourages you to work harder.
2. Learning never stops. Sometimes I would read articles about debate and even watch videos. I thought I will automatically win because I have learnt a lot about debate. Sometimes you lose a debate and end up getting frustrated. Remember that you don’t lose if you learn. This gives me courage during those days when my depression is convincing me that am failure. I always keep notes of what I have learnt from every debate and make sure not to make the same mistake again.
I have never been happier than when I joined debate. Before I joined debate, I can say I lived a boring life. There was nothing exciting about my life and I hated it. When I compare this current lockdown with the previous one I can say that this current one was so productive. During the previous one I spent most my time watching TV and scrolling mindlessly on my phone. I had no purpose then. But now things changed. I never thought I would ever sit down and watch debates, podcasts, ted talks and not get bored. Things only seem boring if you don’t try them out. I also didn’t know I would ever have a chance to speak to people from different countries. I am now more confident. I even got a chance to coach debate beginners. There is nothing more exciting than telling people about what you love.
I am really grateful to God for this opportunity and I pray that I use my gift for His purpose. I also thank Coach Joseph, my teammates, the school administration and my parents for their support. And also everyone that has always been there to encourage me, engage me in training. May God reward you and bless the works of your hands.